1. Students are prohibited from doing anything inside or outside the college that will interfere in college administration or affect its public image. No. outside influence, political or any other should be brought into the college, directly or indirectly

  2. Courtesy and respect must be the key aspects of student’s behavior. Disrespect and disobedience may result in disciplinary action, involving suspension or even expulsion.

  3. When the teachers enter the classroom, the students must rise; remain standing till they are directed to sit down. When the attendance roll is called, each one must rise and give the attendance.

  4. Students are expected to greet all visitors and members of the staff with respect. They should always remember that the college is judged by their conduct. Any major breach of discipline and courtesy, as also disrespect for the members of the college staff, will be treated as serious and responsible students for such misbehavior will be summarily dismissed.

  5. Scribbling on the walls and desks etc. should be avoided. If any student is found scribbling the walls desks, disciplinary action shall be taken against him / her.

  6. All students are responsible to the college authorities for their behavior both in and outside the college both individually and collectively. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct outside the college on the part of the students shall render them liable for disciplinary action.

  7. Congregating on road in front of the college or at the entrance of the college creates a bad impression on the passerby and therefore, it to be avoided

  8. Students are not expected to sit on the steps of the staircase or on the steps of the portico of the college.

  9. Students have to park their vehicles at the parking shed only. Movement of vehicles in the college campus shall be in a moderate speed only.

  10. Throwing about waste paper, defacing the walls and committing nuisance on the college grounds are punishable offenses.

  11. Students must not join any club or society or make any engagement that would interfere with the academic schedule, without the prior permission of the Principal.

  12. Students are not allowed to play in any team against the official team of the college.

  13. Students are forbidden from organizing any event or attending any meeting within the college, which is not the official event or meeting of the college. The students are also prohibited from forming any Society, Association or Organization in college. The name of the college or logo of the college/society shall be used by any student / past student for any event / programme or social media without prior written permission of the Principal.

  14. No student shall collect money for any purpose from other students and outsider. No student shall circulate among the students any notice or petition of any kind or paste it on the college notice board without prior written permission of the principal.

  15. No excursion, picnics or tours can be arranged by the student in the name of the college without the prior permission of the Principal. If an application in the prescribed form is submitted by the students to the Principal for seeking any such permission, then such permission may be granted subject to such terms and conditions as the Principal may deem fit and proper in the interest of the students as well as the college.

  16. Smoking and / or consuming alcohol is strictly prohibited in the College premises

  17. The college is not responsible to goods, valuable or money lost in college premises. It is advisable not to carry any valuable to the college.

  18. No books, magazines etc. unconnected with curriculum should be brought to the college.

  19. All should be particular about cleanliness of the college. They should use the baskets and bins specially provided for.

  20. Habitual idealness, late coming, willful disobedience or misconduct, individually or collectively will be seriously dealt with.

  21. Students suffering from diseases declared infectious by a Registered Medical Practitioner and which requires quarantine or segregation will not be permitted to attend the college without being certified as cured by the same.

  22. Any students who is persistently insubordinate or is repeatedly or willfully mischievous or is guilty of malpractice in connection with examinations or has committed an act of serious indiscipline and / or misbehavior, or who, in the opinion of the Principal has an unwholesome influence on his fellow students may be suspended from the college for specified period or even expelled from the college

  23. Insubordination and indecent language or conduct are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of the student.

  24. Students should switch off the lights, fans, etc. when not required and also while leaving the classrooms laboratories/library.

  25. Students should make themselves familiar with the college rules and regulations concerning them and also with the regulations and notices issued by the college from time to time.

  26. Students joining the college are, by that very fact, deemed to accept and observe all the rules and regulations of the college to the entire satisfaction of the college authorities.

  27. Bringing of Mobiles within the campus is strictly prohibited as per the University norms. If any student found with mobile, the mobile set shall be forfeited and strict action shall be taken against the students.

  28. Students are subject to dress code as may be directed by the College Authorities.

  29. College Identity Card is issued to each student and all the students are directed to keep their identity cards with them while they are in the College premises and shall produce the same whenever required by any member of the College staff. Duplicate Identity card may be issued to the student on payment of such fees as may be prescribed.

  30. Government of Maharashtra has notified ragging as a cognizable offence. Any one reported to be involved in any form of ragging shall be dealt with very seriously. Therefore students are directed to restrain themselves from indulging in any form of ragging